In beginners photography

Aperture & Depth of Field Photography

Every time talking about photography and camera, the words aperture and depth of field will often come out. Well in this article belfort will try to help you understand aperture and depth of field so it is quite clear for beginners.

Understanding Aperture

The aperture definition is a measure of how much the lens is open (lens open) when we take a photo.When we press the shutter button, the hole in front of our camera sensor will open, well setting the aperture is what determines how big the hole is open. The larger the open hole, the more the amount of light that will enter the sensor.

 Aperture or openings are expressed in units of f-stops. Often we read the term aperture 5.6, in more formal photographic language can be expressed as f / 5.6. As revealed above, the main function of the aperture is as controller how big the hole in front of the open sensor. The smaller the number f-stop means the larger the hole is open (and the more the incoming light volume) and vice versa, the bigger the f-stop number the smaller the open hole.Aperture So in reality, the f / 2.8 aperture setting means a much larger aperture than the f / 22 setting for example (you will often find the term fully open when listening to a photographer's chat). So the wide opening means the smaller the number f and the narrow aperture means the greater the number f.

Understanding Depth of Field

Depth of field - DOF, is a measure of how far the focus field is in the photo. A wide depth of field (DOF) means that most of the photo objects (from the nearest object from the camera to the furthest object) will look sharp and focused. While the DOF is narrow (shallow) means only part of the object at a certain point is sharp while the rest will blur / not focus.

PICT0235_md To get a wide DOF use a small aperture setting, say f-22 (the smaller the aperture the more focal distance) - see the example photo above. Meanwhile, to get a narrow DOF, use as large aperture possible, eg f / 2.8 - see examples of photos below.

PICT0236_mdThe Depth of Field concept will be of great use especially in portrait photography and macro photography, but in fact all specializations will need it.

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