In beginners photography

Stop And Triangle Exposure Photography

In photography, the word "stop" we often hear and read. No, not that stop, not a stop that means stop. Stop here is a term in photography. Examples of its use may be this: "Because the picture looks over, I lower one stop", well like that.If until this moment, the word stop in photography still makes you confused, please refer to this brief explanation.

Definition of Stop in photography is more or less means to change the amount of light received by the sensor / film thus affecting the photo exposure. Add one stop means brighter 2 times, plus 2 stop means brighter 4 times. Reduce one stop means darker and a half times. One stop means to change the amount of light as much as a multiple of 2.

As you know, the amount of light our sensor receives matches exposure. And up one stop means to increase exposure 2 times. The action of raising or reducing exposure can be done by changing one or a combination of three elements that make up the exposure triangle: shutter speed, aperture and ISO.

Further described in this article: Understanding Exposure Concepts

Somewhat abstract huh? Okay one to be clear. Say there are 4 lamps in your room 100 watts and all four lights up. Since the stop is a bright dark change, then down one stop means you turn off two lights so that only two lights are on. While going up one stop means you have to carry 4 more lights with the same wattage. In this case, the room is a sensor in the digital camera as the light bulb is its exposure.Stop and Shutter Speed

Shutter speed measures how long the sensor receives light. The longer the shutter speed means the more light the sensor receives which means to increase the exposure. In shutter speed, a full stop is easy to remember because it is the result of dividing the two numbers (by rounding): 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, etc. Moving one stop means jump once, eg from 1/30 to 1/125. Moving 2 stop means jump twice. 
Confused with shutter speed, understand the concept more clearly here.Stop and ISO

Also easy in ISO, stay 2 times means you go up one stop. ISO 100 to ISO 200 means one stop, 200 to 400 and so on. If asked how many stops from ISO 100 to 1600? Well smart, there are 4 stops. Understand the ISO concept here.Stop and Aperture

Somewhat more difficult in the aperture because the number is jump: f / 1, f / 1.4, f / 2, f / 2.8, f / 4, f / 5.6, f / 8, f / 11, f / 16, and so on. Understand the concept of Aperture here.What's a Stop Relationship With All Three?

Let's say you use the initial setting of the camera like this: 1/125, f / 8 and ISO 100. Because of the photograph under exposure (dark) you ride one stop which means it can be three things: 1/60, f / 8, ISO 100 (only Shutter changed). Or 1/125, f / 5.6 ISO 100 (only the aperture is changed). Or 1/125, f / 8 ISO 200 (only ISO changed). All changes are worth a stop.

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